Saturday, December 20, 2008

Street Lights

Amber and I are on the road...we decided to take 95 south the whole way and it has been delightfull..90 west to 84 to 684 to 287 to NJTP can rot in you know where..we will forever be taking this 95 south route. The only toll we have hit is the NJTP we never took 95 because of all the tolls. NEWS FLASH: there are no tolls from Boston to NY.

That update on mine and ambes life is coming tomorrow. I can't write any more while I'm in the car ONE because I'm going to hurl (pronounced earl) and TWO were listening to the new T.Swift!

This Is Where IT Ends...

Alex Vee

-- Post From My iPhone


Adam said...

Is that a manual 'sent from my iPhone' tag? Because I still think there is away can do it so it works the same as an email.

I take at least partial credit for that 95 S revelation, haha

aHock said...

No I ended buying a $10 blog program for $5 and it sets that sig.

HappyCampers said...