Sunday, November 30, 2008

Back In Boston

After a long night of break lights and rain, Amber and I have returned back to Boston. The section of road starting from about exit 72 of I-95 Maryland all the way till the end of the New Jersey Turnpike should be completely deleted from the earth. That is absolutely where every human being that does not understand traffic laws, reside. ANYWAY....

My break was very enjoyable. It consisted of:
- English Premier League
- La Liga
- Serie A
- Gol TV/Fox Soccer Channel
- Real Soccer 09 (better graphics then the Nintendo DS on my iPhone)
- Touch Grind (basically tech deck on my iPhone)
- Turkey
- Cabasa Sausage
- Dairy Queen
- Turkey Hill Iced Tea
- Movies
- My Brother
- Toshiba 26" flat panel HDTV

Overall, it was a GREAT break! Seeing my parents is always enjoyable, my brother and I always have an amazing time, and the personal time with no interruption from the job and school with Amber is WONDERFUL! Now I have to tough it out for 2 more weeks then CHRISTmas!!!

This Is Where IT Ends...

Alex Vee

Boston Bound

After a much needed break, Amber and I are now headed back to Boston. Pray that the roads are clear during our holiday return haha.

an update on my break, things purchased, activities we did, and all that great stuff will be here when I get back to Boston.

until then, This Is Where IT End...

Alex Vee

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Foolin' Who

This blogs name, and title are based on a hardcore band from Merrimack Valley, Boston, Massachusetts that goes by the name Guns Up!, song titled "Foolin' Who" off of their first full length released in 2005 by 1917 records.

The song is about people who specifically front, or put on an act then sit around and more then likely pat themselves on the back for attempting to live a life, they know is only a lie. They eventually are figured out, and every one knows they were never REAL. I chose that song as the theme of what will either be a: 1) very committed to, journal or 2) a journal that I show half effort to, and can only really write in two times a month. Either way, I will do my best to share what little thought I maintain in my skull, and throw it into this blog.

I haven't really themed this blog yet in my mind, to a structure. I hope that it would turn out, organized and concise, but as of right now, I am only starting this because I believe it is healthy to have somewhere to write, and even if others are not reading it, it is there for curious eyes. If it were not for the option to express myself, I would probably implode(explode from the inside out, for the lay-person). I'm a talker, I wear my emotions as a shirt, not on my sleeve, but as a shirt. That is something I am constantly working at. Because when I get worked up, I say things I have to dig myself out of later, or I become disrespectful, or blunt. Like James talks about in the Bible, the tongue is un-tamable, and I prove that.

My mind wants to go so many different directions, so I guess...

This Is Where IT Ends,

Alex Vee