Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 random things about me

1) I was born with a premature bladder. Therefore I peed the bed until about 17 years of age on and off. I even had a surgery to enlarge my bladder and it still didn't help. I spent my 10th birthday on a couch with a catheter...

2) I was home schooled until the end of my 8th grade year, i went to an inner city public school from 9th-12th and could not be more grateful for the effort and time my mother took in schooling me.

3) When Andrew Thorp and I were in 9th grade Sean Sears had 15 people stand in the crowd at a camp of about 300. He said within a group of this size we represent the 15% of Christians that will still have held the faith by the time we were 21. Andrew Thorp and I never let ourselves become that 85%...

4) I have an appreciation for Macintosh (Apple) Technology that rivals the way most people feel about their life long spouse...

5) My job is titled, "Manny". I make quite a bit of money to basically have as much fun as I can with two AWESOME boys, ages 9 and 12. I get to set a good moral example, and even share my faith with them. The mother and father could not be any more welcoming and friendly, and they have the most awesome dog named LuLu (short for Louise, my grandmother's name)

6) I would do just about anything to find every single box set of DVD's of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and own them. I am just not motivated enough to buy each one separately. Because like The Game says, "who didn't wanna be the Fresh Prince, flat top, gold chain, and some fresh kicks..."

7) I think about people constantly, and I pray for them. It's a shame that i am the worst at keeping in touch with people...

8) A dream of mine since I have been in 7th grade has been to work with LIFT Student Ministries, and the Lord has been gracious enough to provide the opportunities to work with them since I was 16 till present.

9) If, or when I graduate with my 4 year degree, I will have been the first or maybe second in my family to ever graduate from college. No biggie....*sighs*

10) My roommate Derick, and I drove from Boston to Gettysburg in his 1988 Mercedes Benz packed to the top with all our clothes, to take a U.S. History, Civil War summer course. Then drove from Gettysburg to Boise, Idaho in 2 days. While in Wyoming we ran out of gas at 3am, got stranded in a dirt road town (Medicine Bow Wyoming), his cell phone died, my iPhone died, but I had enough battery in my computer to keep my phone charged to call AAA. We fell asleep waiting for the guy to come, only to wake up to him driving away...we were screaming and flashing the lights and honking the horn but he left. He came back 15 minutes later and said he was told to look for a blue Acura. We told AAA we were in a green Mercedes. He gave us enough gas to get down the road 20 miles to the nearest gas station and took off for Boise. A wind storm came through, and we thought deer were sprinting across the road, we were so tired we confused tumble weed for was a long trip haha

11) When I was 14 I saw Dashboard Confessional, A New Found Glory, The Stryder, Hot Rod Circuit, and Alkaline Trio (all bands who have been on MTV at one point) for $6 in College Park, MD with my brother...

12) I have been in 80% of the Nation, and in 7 different countries. I travel over 4,000 miles every summer, and meet almost 5,000 teenagers every summer. I get to speak in front of and play games with hundreds if not thousands of teenagers every year, and could for the rest of my life as long as it is glorifying THE Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

13) When I play FIFA on XBOX 360, it is as though I am dispersing my passion for European football through my hand-eye coordination. It really is not a video game to me, I make an honest effort to replicate the highlights of premier league football...and I would more than likely postpone any plans I make to play FIFA

14) There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about wishing I had the opportunity to live the life I live around my family.

15) I have never experienced oral or physical sex, nor have I ever tasted alcohol, or smoked a cigarette or done any type of illegal drug. I haven't even abused a legal drug. Some call that a boring life, but I call it a life given back to whom it belonged to long before I was created.

16) Before I met Amber, I was an over-exaggerating, emotional, justifying, complaining, insecure baby, and she helped to develop me into a man. I enjoy you Amber Rose.

17) When I was in like 7th or 8th grade I was woken up by my dad screaming for my mom from the bottom of the steps. The night before was the Super Bowl and I can remember a random commercial coming on that told you certain things not to do if you think youre going into cardiac arrest, and one of the things was, do not go up stairs. My dad remembered that, and sure enough he was going into cardiac arrest. I can remember sitting at the top of my steps crying listening to my mother tell my dad that I was at the top of the steps and wanted to come down, and my dad said, no he didnt want me to see him with tubes in him when the ambulance got there. I honestly thought he was dying...I peeked out my parents window as he was being put in the ambulance and saw him with the tubes, and I still sometimes reminisce on that, and cry...I love my father and I am so grateful for the people skills, and sense of humor he has taught me. I remember seeing him when he got out of his surgery and his neck was yellow and purple from the medicine, and he came home from the hospital and i watched them take the staples out of his leg and chest. He became the greatest father from that point of my life till the day I die. he taught me how to cook, and make salads, and we wrestled and played together while he was home recouping.

18) I own both, the Blue Planet and the Planet Earth dvd sets, and I watch them at least twice a month.

19) have never met any of my grandparents, save my grandmother Louise Corbin. I get my middle name "Vee" from her husband, my grandfather, whos first name was "Vee". I wish to meet him in heaven one day, along with my dad's father Estel who apparently I would have loved, because he was goofy and liked to prank a lot.

20) I have used a loofa for 5 years +

21) I have owned guitar hero for almost 2 months and just started admitting it to people.

22) Chipotle is the absolute #1 best place I have ever eaten in my entire 22 years on this planet. My ex-girlfriend Erin introduced me to this in Fredericksburg VA almost 7 years ago, and life has not been the same since. At one point I was driving 35-40 minutes 2 times a week before they built one closer to me. I HATE when people pronounce it Chipol-tay...SO MUCH...

23) When I want to emphasize something, whether a text message, or typing online I tend to capitalize the emphasis. Even when I speak, I either repeat or enhance my voice in order to display that if I were writing this conversation out, those enhanced words would be capitalized.

24) I like to be in front of people, leading them. Not for attention, I have always tried to honor responsibility for other people.

25) I LOVE movies like Step Up and Step Up 2 and Stomp The Yard, and lame i know..but I do, soooo much.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Im coming back to a place I should have never left. I don't want to be that Israelite that missed out in helping with the construction of the tabernacle in Exodus, I want to be a part of what God is doing, and the work that glorifies Him.

This Is Where IT Ends...

Alex Vee

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, January 26, 2009

CAAP test

4 HOURS.....

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, January 22, 2009


-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Livin' Life

It definitely snowed its butt of last night till like 3pm today. Probably got around 8 more inches, on top of the layer of ice over the state of Massachusetts.

The family Amber works for went away for the weekend, so Amber is house sitting. I just got done taking a shower in a bathroom that should be or might have been on MTV Cribs haha. The only way to describe the shower is if you have ever been to King's Dominion in the splash zone. The hug bucket that fills up and pours on you...yea, that exact feeling. AMAZING.

Baltimore vs Steelers tonight..i have hope, but i'm not sure i have enough hope that the Baltimore Ravens are going to pull through.

This Is Where IT Ends...

Alex Vee

Thursday, January 15, 2009



Thank you Iz Loring!!!

This Is Where IT Ends...

Alex Vee

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Blitz Is ALMOST Over!!!

I have been very busy. I cannot wait for the blitz to be over and get to settled in to my semester. I am kind of late on registering for my classes, but I will finally get that done today, and I am very excited about a new schedule.

So I am engaged. Everything went as planned, not one person had a clue when it was going to happen, and the only person to see her ring before her was me. For everyone that says "it's about time!" Get outta here...2 years and 3 months is not about time, it is when you know, that you know.

This wedding planning is going to be very exciting, but very stressful..

The wedding will be in Florida, Amber decided in January. The exact date is not set yet, and I have not exactly settled on who will be in my wedding party, because I am waiting to see how many girls Amber has in hers.

This Is Where IT Ends...

Alex Vee

Saturday, January 10, 2009


She said YES

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Back In Boston

I'm back in Boston, working and taking a Social Work Blitz. Mucus is taking over my body. Im trying to get back into the swing of things, I kind of hit the ground running when we landed back on the East Coast. My room is a mess, my desk isn't organized, I haven't unpacked yet, and I've only seen Amber like 3 times since we've been back in Boston. Gotta get a grip.

This Is Where IT End...

Alex Vee

Thursday, January 01, 2009

No signal in Oregon

There has been a lot that has happened...I have a lot of pictures to post. Right now I'm in California headed to Oregon to eat pizza..we just got done seeing the HUGE redwood trees and I can see the Pacific Ocean!!!

-- Post From My iPhone