Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A Day At Work

This is not a picture that would be placed next to the word, "joy" - "peace" - "fondness" - "easy" - or "fun" in the dictionary. NOPE. That picture is a picture of 1st Declension Case Endings for Koine Greek (dead language/what the New Testament was written in).

I am extremely grateful for the job I have. To be able to have a car provided for me, be placed on their insurance, be paid for gas at the end of the week, and make a healthy amount of money all to mentor, and have moral, clean, fun with a 9 and 11 year old, that is just AMAZING!

Tonight I read the Bible with Thomas, the 9 year old. We read from the end of chapter 6 of Joshua to the end of chapter 8. I taught him basically about the promise God had made with the Israelites, the story of Joshua and the city of Jericho with Rahab and the two spies. Then we read about Achan, and the sin within the camp, and the battle the Isrealites lost because Achan had unconfessed, covered sin. After we took turns reading every other 5 verses together, he started asking questions about Heaven, so I took him over to Revelation chapter 1 and 2 and was reading some of the descriptions that are in there, and it led to the Gospel being presented, and talking about how someone could choose to deny God and go to hell for eternity. It was amazing! Praise the Lord.

I then told Tammy, the woman I work for about my night with Thomas, and surprisingly she was EXTREMELY grateful for me spending the time I did with him, and explaining those things. I pray that God would really show through me, that Jesus Christ would be evident in my life, to this family, and that they would come to know Christ through my relationship with this family. Please remember to pray for the MacWilliams family, John, Tammy, Jack and Thomas.

This is LuLu which is short for Louise.
She is the 2 1/2 year old Golden Retriever
of the family I work with. She is AMAZING.
She loves her blanket.

Tug of war with LuLu, makes my job worth it.

I was trying to get LuLu to help me cook the burgers. She looks scared! haha

I have never met an individual who is harder to keep focused then Thomas MacWilliams. I love him though haha, even when he pauses chewing because he's so enthralled by the television.

This Is Where IT Ends...

Alex Vee


terrorismypride said...

thats awesome. cute doggy

HappyCampers said...

Man my kids are going to love you! Between reading with them and answering all their 100,000,000 questions and singing Hannah Montana karaoke with them I doubt they will let you leave! Aunt Ambie has her competition cut out for her...

(you done good Ambie!)

aHock said...

hahaha thank Holly! I think you should start a blogspot!

HappyCampers said...

LOL! I did once upon a time, but never had any time to post. Hmm, imagine that! And that was back when I only had THREE kids.

Adam said...

I am seriously SO excited that you got to read the Bible and share the Gospel with Thomas!!!
That just melts my heart...
AND that Tammy was approving man, only to God be the glory.
The MacWilliams family are absolutely in my prayers.

And God bless LuLu LOL!

And that is amazing about Thomas getting distracted from chewing by the TV, hahahaha, ssooo funny.