Sunday, December 21, 2008

I <3 Orange Julius

Everything is done. I PASSED! I mean not just passed, I stinkin passed!

Apologetics = Passed
Min Skills Sem = Passed
Greek I = Passed
Expo of Galatians = Passed
Current Event = Passed

so awesome.

This past month of November has been INSANE. I worked like 40 hours a week, plus 15 hours of class, plus 8-10 hours of homework...and then find time to keep my sanity and be with my girlfriend, and help her move. It was rough but we made it. Amber is officially moved out, and living with the Fox's to save a great amount of money, and I successfully completed another semester. We are now home, doing some Christmas shopping and enjoying being with family. We fly to Oregon soon to be with Amber's family, I am extremely excited to meet Holly ( Amber's older sister)!!!!

This Is Where IT Ends...

Alex Vee


HappyCampers said...

CONGRATULATIONS! It sounds like you have worked very hard to achieve all that you have.

I am equally excited to meet you Alex Vee. And the kids look forward to that Hannah Montana karaoke duet...

AmberRose said...

I love orange julius more . . . and I ALWAYS say always (:

HappyCampers said...

Something you said in this post bothers me and I need to clarify it. I am Amber's OLDEST sister. I am THE oldest. It is a title I hold dear as there is only one and I am it. :)

A small accomplishment to some, a big deal to me. Common, can you imagine having to be the oldest of FIVE kids?!